9 Oldest wall clocks in the world

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Wells Cathedral Clock (1390)

Located in Wells Cathedral in Somerset, England, this astronomical clock is believed to date back to 1390.

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Prague Astronomical Clock (1410)

Installed in the Old Town Hall of Prague, Czech Republic, the Prague Astronomical Clock, or Prague Orloj, dates back to 1410.

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Salisbury Cathedral Clock (1386

The Salisbury Cathedral Clock, located in Salisbury, England, is believed to have been built around 1386. It is one of the oldest working clocks in existence.

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St. Albans Clock (late 14th century)

The clock at St. Albans Cathedral in Hertfordshire, England, is considered one of the oldest surviving mechanical clocks.

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Zimmer Tower Clock (1420)

Housed in the Zimmer Tower in Lier, Belgium, this clock is said to date back to 1420. It features an astronomical dial and has been restored over the centuries.

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Rostock Astronomical Clock (1472)

Installed in St. Mary's Church in Rostock, Germany, this clock dates back to 1472. It features an astronomical dial and a mechanical carillon that plays a tune every hour.

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Wawel Castle Clock (late 14th century

The Wawel Castle Clock in Krakow, Poland, is believed to have been built in the late 14th century.

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t. Nicholas' Church Clock (1470-1480)

The clock in St. Nicholas' Church in Stralsund, Germany, is estimated to have been built between 1470 and 1480.

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Gros Horloge (1389)

The Gros Horloge is a medieval astronomical clock in Rouen, France. While the clock's mechanism has been updated, the astronomical dial dates back to 1389.

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